__           __   _          ____                                    __   ____                 
      / /___  _____/ /_ ( )_____   / __ \___  ______________  ____  ____ _ / /  / __ \____ _____ ____ 
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\____/\____/____/_/ /_/ /____/  /_/    \___/_/  /____/\____/_/ /The_only/evidence that_I_ever,existed!

Welcome to My Site!

Hello! My name is Josh, and by some miracle, you've reached my personal website. As you can see, there isn't much here. This site is just a little online experiment. Perhaps someday I will expand upon it, maybe by updating my blog or by providing links to other sites that I find interesting.

I suppose I should include an explanation to who I am...

Although it's weak in content, I hope you find exploring my little corner of the internet entertaining! Either way, happy browsing!